Would you like to know more about roses?
Are roses for you?
The care and cultivation of roses * Recommended varieties * Exhibiting roses * Photographing or arranging roses * Breeding new varieties * The various types of roses and their history?
Then our Society is for you!
The society exists to promote the cultivation of roses and to share advice
Meetings are held once a month, usually on the second Thursday, commencing at 7.30 pm at Park Hall Community Centre, Park Hall Road, Walsall, just off the A34 Walsall Road, A-Z ref page 34 4C or 49 4G on the No.51 Bus route.
The Lily has a smooth stalk
Will never hurt your hand,
But the rose upon her briar
Is the Lady of the Land.
There's sweetness in the Apple Tree,
And profit in the corn
But the Lady of all beauty
Is a rose upon a thorn.
When with moss and honey
She tips her bending briar,
And half unfolds her glowing heart
She sets the world on fire.
Christina Rossetti